Location of LCE-2 venues in Estonia
European Space Agency
is organizing
SI-traceable Laboratory inter-comparison experiment LCE – 2 for verification of Fiducial Reference Measurement (FRM) Field Ocean Colour Radiometers (OCR)
on 08 – 13 May 2017 in Tartu Observatory, Estonia.
The core action of the FRM4SOC project is to ensure that ground-based measurements of ocean colour parameters are traceable to SI standards in support of ensuring high quality and accurate Sentinel-2 MSI and Sentinel-3 OLCI products. Laboratory Calibration Exercise 2 (LCE-2) links the ocean colour (OC) field measurements to the SI-traceable calibration and verifies whether different instruments measuring the same object can provide consistent results within the uncertainty limits.
The LCE-2 will take place before AAOT-FICE in 08 – 13 May 2017 in Estonia – Tõravere and Lake Kääriku. It will serve as a training session for the participants of AAOT-FICE as well as provide SI-traceable radiometric calibration of participating radiometers. During indoor intercomparison all the participants will measure stabilized radiance and irradiance sources and compare the recorded radiance and irradiance values. The outdoor intercomparison will be carried out on a diving platform of a small lake.
The inter-compared data products will be downwelling irradiance Ed, sky radiance Ls, and total water surface radiance Lt. The view configuration will be 40° from the nadir and 135° from the Sun as suggested by Mobley (1999). Uncertainty budgets will be calculated for all the measurements.
More detailed information you will find here: https://frm4soc.org/index.php/activities/lce-2/